Choosing Happy (Madison Square #2) Read online

Page 22

“So you’re alive then?” a familiar voice said.

  I groaned and silently cursed myself for not checking to see who it was.

  “What do you want?” I asked, sitting up and running a hand down my face. I cracked my neck to ease the tension.

  “Is that any way to speak to your father?” he asked.

  I sighed. “I’m not doing this with you today. Just tell me what you want.”

  “I need you to attend the Queen of Hearts Ball next week. I’m overnighting the invitation to you. You should have it tomorrow.”

  “I can’t keep doing this.”

  “We had a deal. I’ve held up my end and you will hold up yours.”

  “How much longer can you expect me to play the doting son? You left us because you didn’t want a family, remember. You can’t just be a father when it’s convenient for you.”

  He exhaled into the phone. I could practically see the bastard sitting in his plush hotel suite, red faced and pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

  “I’m not getting into this with you right now. You will be there, you will be civil, and you will participate or so help me God I will make damn sure your sister knows all about our little arrangement.” It was his go-to threat. I considered just telling Em myself to be rid of him once and for all, but Em was sensitive and the guilt would crush her. I just couldn’t do that to her.

  “Fine, but you better start auditioning replacement kids, ‘cause I’m done being your show horse.”

  “See you at the ball,” he said, and the line went dead.

  “Fuck,” I screamed and threw the phone down into my pillow.

  This was turning into a banner week for me. First Madison takes off, and now I’m being summoned to another mind numbing charity event where I will spend the evening drinking bad scotch and lying through my teeth about what a great role model and mentor my father has been for me. I swear to God if they gave out Oscars for pretending to love your asshole father, I would’ve won by a landslide and wouldn’t even bother to thank him in the acceptance speech.

  I dropped back to the bed with a heavy sigh and rubbed my eyes. I needed to do something, anything. Lying in my bed, staring at the unanswered messages, was just fucking sad.

  I jumped out of bed with no real plan other than to start moving. I pulled on some shorts and a hoodie and spotted my running shoes tossed in a corner of my closet. A run. I could go for a run, clear my head. I grabbed the shoes and headed out of the apartment, feeling slightly better. At least I’d managed to get out of the house.

  Once I exited my building, I looked left and then right. I had no real destination in mind. Just needed to go somewhere, do something. I took off at an easy pace, jogging up the street toward the harbor and down past Grover Park.

  It was getting warmer but the wind still held a chill that burned my lungs with every inhale. My muscles ached and my stomach was cramping, but I didn’t stop. I kept pushing and running blindly, not paying attention to where I was or where I was going.

  When I couldn’t take it anymore I stopped and dropped my hand to my knees, panting. Sweat poured down my face, my hair damp and sticking to my forehead as I stared down at the sidewalk.

  My heartbeat began to slow, and my breathing evened out. I took a few steps and slammed right into what felt like a linebacker.

  “Shit,” he said. I looked up in the direction where the familiar voice was coming from. “What the hell, Taylor? Watch where you’re going, will ya?”

  “Liam?” I asked. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here,” he said, pointing to the building behind him.

  I looked around, suddenly realizing where I was. Shit!

  “Sorry, I was going for a run.”

  “Don’t you live downtown?” he asked. I nodded. “That’s, like, five miles.”

  “Is it?” I said, bracing my hands on my hips and shifting my weight.

  “You okay?” he asked. “You don’t look so good.”

  “Yeah, just, you know, running.”

  Liam eyed me skeptically. “Sure. Running.”

  “So,” I said, swinging my arms at my sides. “Is she home?”

  Liam sighed. He had to know what happened, and I’m sure I was the last person he wanted to run into even though I was the one who’d gotten dumped.

  “Yeah. Sean, listen. I only got bits and pieces of what happened, but this was the second time I’ve come home to find her a complete mess. I think its best if you just let it go.”

  “What do you mean she was a mess? Is she okay? I need to see her,” I said, trying to push past him.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” he said, holding me back with a hand to my chest. “Look man, that’s not a good idea, okay?”

  I stopped, and he cautiously dropped his hand. “I’ll admit I wasn’t on board with you dating my sister and I’m still not sold on the idea, but I think, in some bizarre way, you two need each other, and I’m not gonna stand in the way of that.”

  “Are you saying that I have your blessing?” I asked, more than a little surprised.

  “Whatever you want to call it,” he said. “Just take care of her, okay?”

  “I love her,” I said. “She’s the piece of me I never knew I was missing. I just wish I could get her to see that.”

  Liam dropped a heavy hand to my shoulder. “Give it time,” he said. “She loves you. She’s just not ready to admit it to herself yet.” Liam patted me twice on the back and took off down the street.

  I stood on the side walk, staring down at the pavement. Liam’s words swirled in my head. She loves you. She loves you.


  I woke up Monday morning armed with a plan, a crazy one, but a plan. I showered, dressed, and headed out the door.

  I made my way to her office, charming my way past the receptionist and straight to her assistant’s desk. As I approached, Jeremy looked up from his desk with a smile.

  “Good morning, Mr. Taylor,” he said, looking me up and down.

  “Please, call me Sean,” I said with a smile.

  “Well then, Sean, what can I do for you?” Jeremy said, leaning across his desk.

  Looking to capitalize on his flirtatious nature, I sat down on the edge of his desk and folded my hands in my lap with a smile spread wide across my face. “I was hoping you might do me a favor.”

  “Oh,” he said, leaning back in his chair like he had all the time in the world.

  “Think you could let me in her office? I want to surprise her when she gets here.”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “The boss lady doesn’t really like surprises.”

  “Aw, who doesn’t like to be swept off their feet? I’m just looking to amp up the romance, you know. Help a guy out, will ya?”

  He narrowed his eyes and watched me carefully for a moment. “Oh, what the hell,” he said, pulling open his desk drawer and reaching for a set of keys. He got to his feet and walked over to unlock the door as I followed close behind.

  Jeremy opened the door and gestured for me to enter with a dramatic sweep of his arm.

  “Thanks, man,” I said. I shot him a wink as I passed and smiled.

  “Oh, you are good,” Jeremy said. He headed back to his desk and closed the door behind him.

  I looked around, trying to decide what to do next. I hadn’t planned on getting this far, so it was time to improvise.

  I took a seat in her desk chair, leaned back, and propped my legs up on the desk, trying to look as casual as possible. I folded my hands behind my head and faced the door, but I felt like an idiot. I was already invading her space, but this seemed like a bit much.

  I got up and looked around for a better option. The couch, perfect. It was positioned behind the door so she wouldn’t see me right away, but sitting there would indicate that I still maintained a level of respect for her space. Jesus, look at me. I’m pathetic, trying out the best pose to ambush my girlfriend into loving me. This whole thing was completely ridiculous, but what choice did I have? />
  I heard her voice out in the hall, so I dove for the couch, straightening my jacket and smoothing my tie. I took a deep breath and crossed my legs, trying my best to look relaxed when I was anything but.

  The door opened, and she came in wearing a tight black skirt that made her legs look impossibly long. Her jacket was draped over her arm, and she was typing furiously on her phone. She dropped her bag on one of the chairs in front of her desk without looking up from the device in her hand.

  She was stunning, as always. Her short dark hair was a little longer now. A few stray pieces fell into her eyes, and my fingers itched to brush them away. She bit her lip that was painted the same deep red color of her shirt as she typed. The color was just as rich and full as those lips I’ve kissed so many times I’ve lost count.

  She leaned her hip against her desk, accidently knocking a cup full of pens to the floor. She sighed as they scattered and rolled across the carpet. She threw her hands up and set her phone down on the desk, bending to pick up the pens, giving me an unobscured view of that fantastic ass.

  I watched as the tight fabric of her skirt stretched and pulled as she reached for the pens and put them back into the cup.

  “That ass is a thing of beauty,” I said, the words coming out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  She froze and stood up straight, turning around slowly to face me, her bright blue eyes wide with panic. I grinned, drinking in every inch of the gorgeous woman I couldn’t live without.

  She swallowed thickly and met my eyes just as Jeremy made his appearance. Madison turned to face him, her eyes narrowed to a glare. They seemed to be having another silent conversation with their eyes, trading glares and slight eyebrow raises.

  “Don’t blame Jeremy,” I said. “I sweet talked him.” I shot a wink at Jeremy, who backed out of the office, batting his eyes at me as he closed the door behind him.

  “What are you doing here?” Madison asked, finally finding her voice.

  “Well,” I said, getting to my feet and fastening the button on my suit jacket. “I’ve come to a decision I thought we should discuss in person, since you’ve decided to not return my calls.”

  Madison stayed completely still, the cup of pens still clutched in her hand, her eyes locked on me.

  I took a step toward her and she tensed. “I’ve decided not to let you push me away.”

  “You…you don’t have a choice,” she said, her voice shaky as I continued to move closer.

  “You see, beautiful,” I said. “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re scared, I get that. You feel something for me, I can tell, but for some reason you’re fighting against it.”

  When I reached her, the sweet floral scent of her perfume wrapped around me, threatening my control.

  She stared at my throat, afraid to lift her eyes to meet mine. She could say anything she wanted, but her eyes never lied.

  I lifted her chin with my fingers and held her gaze. Her lips parted and her eyes shined with tears. I smiled at her and she squeezed her eyes shut as I brushed my knuckles gently across her cheek.

  “I told you once before,” I said. “I can be patient. I can wait for you to figure out whatever issues are keeping you from being mine.” Her eyes flew open, and a tear rolled down her cheek. I caught it with my thumb and brushed it away. “You can push all you want. You can deny your feelings, and ignore my calls, but I was meant to love you, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”

  I leaned in and brushed my lips softly against hers then pulled away. It was the single most difficult thing I’d ever done. “I won’t give up so easily,” I whispered, then I turned and headed out the door. I didn’t have to turn around to know that she was watching.

  Chapter 21


  A week had passed since Sean showed up in my office. Despite his little announcement that he was not giving up, the week had been relatively quiet. I dove head first into work. Staying late and going in early, even bringing work home to take my mind off the pathetic state of my personal life.

  I was staring at an eighty-five page contract and my head was swimming with legal jargon when a thick envelope landed on my desk with a thump.

  I looked up at Eric, who loomed over my desk with a sinister smile on his face. I was sure he meant it to be charming, but he always ended up looking like a silent movie villain to me.

  “This just arrived for you,” he said.

  I picked up the envelope, turning it over in my hand. “What is it?”

  “It’s an invitation to the Queen of Hearts Ball,” he replied. “It seems Mr. Townsend will be in town for the event and is in need of a date.”

  This was not good news. The Queen of Hearts Ball was my mother’s pet project. It was the highlight of her social calendar, which made the invitation feel like a death sentence.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I said, holding the envelope out to him. “He should ask someone else.”

  “Nonsense,” Eric said. “He likes you, Ms. Buchanan. See that he continues to do so. Do I make myself clear?” He dropped his head and raised his brows, looking like my father scolding me for leaving my bike in the driveway.

  “Of course,” I said, forcing a smile across my face. “Consider it done.”

  He smiled, having once again gotten his way, “That’s my girl.”

  He turned and headed for the door, calling, “Wear something fetching,” over his shoulder as he passed Jeremy, who was listening by the door.

  I dropped my forehead to my desk and banged it repeatedly on the hard surface, hoping to cause just enough damage so I wouldn’t have to go, but not so much I couldn’t function.

  Jeremy cleared his throat, and I lifted my throbbing head to look at him. The wax seal of the invitation stuck to my skin and the envelope came with me, stuck to my forehead.

  Jeremy leaned forward. He plucked the invitation from my forehead, fighting back a laugh. “I’ll let his secretary know you’ve accepted,” he said with a snort.


  After I told Margot about Bryan’s invite to the Ball, she insisted that we forgo our usual Tuesday lunch to go shopping. Which was how I ended up sitting in the brightly lit dressing room in a silk robe with my head in my hands as Margot and the sales girl discussed dress options.

  They’d been at it for twenty minutes without once asking for my opinion. Not that I had an opinion, really. The more I thought about the ball, the more I wanted to bail out of it. Mother was not expecting me to attend this year. She actually forbade me from coming, as she was positive I couldn’t find a suitable escort and me going alone would have been an unforgivable embarrassment to her.

  Part of me was enjoying the fact that I was going despite her wishes, but my rebellion was only in my head. I knew as soon as she saw my date mother would be over the moon and planning the wedding within seconds of shaking Bryan’s hand.

  Margot and the sales girl had just gone into round three of the red vs. black argument when I decided it was time to interrupt.

  “Ladies, can we move this along? I have to get back to work.”

  Margot waved a dismissive hand at me and went back to her color debate. As it was clear I was not needed or wanted, I got up and sorted through the portable rack of gowns that lined the back wall of the private dressing room. Absently, I flipped through the soft fabrics as I tried to drown out the great color debate going on behind me.

  My fingers stopped when I saw it. My mouth dropped as I grasped the hanger and pulled the gown toward me. It was stunning. Soft white silk draped all the way to floor. It had a high neckline and long sleeves, giving a classic Gatsby feel to the gown. The drama came from the back, or the lack thereof. It was completely backless except for a thin string of crystal beads that stretched from shoulder to shoulder and fell down the middle in a long crystal chain. I held the gown gently in my arms as I took in its simple elegance.

  I heard a gasp behind me and turned to see Margot behind me, her eyes wide. “You h
ave to try it on,” she whispered.

  I smiled, feeling giddy as I hurried behind the curtain to slip into the dress. It fit like a glove. The back fell just above the curve of my butt, and the silky fabric hugged my hips and breasts. The hem flared out just above my knees and brushed softly against my toes. I pulled back the curtain and met Margot’s eyes.

  “Son of a bitch!” she said.

  I ran my hands down the front of the gown, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Is it bad?”

  “Bad? Are you kidding? I’d fuck you in that dress!”

  The sales girl coughed, almost choking at Margot’s exclamation.

  “You’re not my type,” I said, moving toward the three-way mirror to see the dress for myself.

  “Oh please,” she said. “I’m everyone’s type.”

  I smiled at her in the mirror, and she blew me a kiss.

  I turned my body from left to right, admiring the way it expertly hugged my figure. “This is the dress,” I said.

  “Damn straight it’s the dress. Bryan is going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

  My smiled faltered a bit, but I caught it before Margot noticed. She had already started in on the sales girl to find shoes and accessories to match.

  I stared at the woman reflected back at me, and my mind drifted off as I focused on the feel of the soft fabric beneath my fingertips.

  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

  “That’s some dress, beautiful,” he whispered. I could feel his hand slip slowly from my hip across my stomach. I met those gorgeous gray eyes in the mirror as my body relaxed against him. His breath tickled my neck as he spoke. “Bet it would be fun to slip it off of you,” he said, his lips barely brushing against my shoulder. “Watch it slide down your skin and pool at your feet.”

  I shivered as he kissed his way back up my neck. When he reached my ear, he sucked the lobe into his hot mouth and pulled me flush against every inch of his very hard body. “Give in to me,” he whispered, his lips against my ear as his hand traveled up my stomach to cup my breast. I dropped my head back to his shoulder with a whimper as his fingertips brushed the silk against my…